Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Organizational profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational profile - Essay Example NHS has implemented the Accreditation Canada classification of quality which is the level of quality; the level to which any healthcare facility fulfills patientsââ¬â¢ requirements and goes beyond their expectations. This quality framework acts as the basis for quality enhancement at all the six sites and provides strategic coalitions for every divisions and service ensuring quality care. It includes formulating a yearly quality enhancement plan, assessing and controlling advancement in carrying out the work plan, and forwarding the outcomes of these activities to the relevant stakeholders. Requirements for healthcare facilities for the population of Niagara are distinctive and reliant on the determinants of health. Knowing these factors helps NHS to recognize the health condition of the people in addition to their continuing healthcare requirements (Klinger et al, 2013). It further ascertains that everyone has a positive experience of care. NHS operates within an integrated structure to ensure healthier environment and offers timely access to an extensive range of patient centric facilities and cure. It improves societyââ¬â¢s welfare and healthcare provision by means of training, promotion and research efforts, and strives for incessant quality enhancement within healthcare facilities to face the challenges of varying requirements for health care. According to the objectives of NHS, the protection of the environment is necessary for acquiring sustainable development to fulfill the existing requirements. It identifies that as a key employer as well as supplier of healthcare facilities, its actions have long term influence on the environment (Bartol et al., 2011). Niagara Health System recognizes its liability for the environment, and is dedicated towards conservation as well as protection of the environment (Cathcart et al., 2004). External environment of NHS incorporates financial stress,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Service Quality Essay Example for Free
Service Quality Essay Perceived service quality has been defined as Customersââ¬â¢ overall impression of the relative inferiority / superiority of the organization and its services (Bitner and Hubbert, 1994, as cited by Dinuka Wijetunga et al. 2003). To gain full understanding of service quality, it is necessary to identify characteristics of services. The three major characteristics are intangibility, heterogeneity and inseparability of production and consumption (Parasuraman et al. , 1985). An extensive review of this topic (Lehtines, U. and Lehtinen, J. R. , 1982; Parasuraman et al. , 1985; Sasser, W. E. et al. , 1978) suggests three major qualitative results: 1. Service quality is more difficult to evaluate than product quality. 2. Service quality perceptions result from a gap between consumersââ¬â¢ expectations and perceived service performance. 3. Not only the outcome of a service but also the process of service delivery determines the evaluation. The fact that service quality perception are the result of comparisons between expected and perceived service performance implies each customer may feel differently about similar service experiences provided by a certain provider. This suggests that there is no general service measurement scheme applicable to every customer rather, service quality evaluation should be determined by the aggregate of all customersââ¬â¢ perceptions about a particular service provider. Therefore, managing service quality should mean managing the aggregate of all customersââ¬â¢ perceptions. The first attempt to describe and defined service quality was the paradigm suggested by Gronroos (1983) who distinguished between technical quality (What is done) and functional quality (how it is done). The early work of Gronroos (1983) was later extended by parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, (1985). They argued that to fully understand service must be acknowledged and that service quality can be defined as the consumerââ¬â¢s overall impression of the relative inferiority / superiority of the organization and its services (Bitner amp; Hubbert, 1994) or as the customerââ¬â¢s assessment of the overall excellence or superiority of the service (Zeithaml, 1988). In these terms service quality means conforming to customer expectations (Lewis amp; Booms, 1983) and implies, from a consumer perspective, the comparison of customer expectations with customer perceptions of actual service performance (Parasuraman et al. 1985) Importance of Service quality Despite the importance of providing a high level of quality to be successful in todayââ¬â¢s very competitive market place, the concept of quality is an elusive construct mainly because of the presence of many intangible attributes. This difficulty gets worse when it comes to service quality. The services are concerned; marketing ca nnot operate in isolation from other functional areas. Tasks that might be considered the sole preserve of operations in a manufacturing environment need to involve marketers because customers are often xposed to even actively involved in service processes. Making service processes more efficient does not necessarily result in a better ââ¬â quality experience for customers; nor does it always lead to improved benefits for them likewise, getting service employees to work faster may some times be welcomed by customers but at other times may make customers feel rushed and unwanted. Thus, marketing, operations and human resource managers need to communicate with one another to ensure that they can deliver quality experience more efficiently. An individual customerââ¬â¢s perception usually determines his/her future attitude and actions toward a service provider. Dissatisfied customers will eventually leave the company and may never come back. The aggregate of all the customersââ¬â¢ decisions regarding their service provider will determine the market share of the service provider. Another measure of performance of a service provider is each service providerââ¬â¢s distribution of customers in terms of length with the provider. Many recent articles underline the importance of loyal and long ââ¬â term customers since they usually bring in more sales, often at increased profit margins. If loyal customers defect, the profit ââ¬â making potential goes with them. Similarly, implementing marketing strategies to improve customer satisfaction with services can prove costly and disruptive for an organization if the implications for operations and human resources have not been carefully thought. Hence, quality strategies need to be considered carefully. Marketingââ¬â¢s interest in service quality is obvious when one thinks about it: poor quality places a firm at a competitive disadvantage. If customers perceive quality as unsatisfactory, they may be quick to take their business elsewhere. Recent years have witnessed a veritable explosion of discontent with service quality at a time when the quality of many manufactured goods seems to have improved significantly. From a marketing standpoint, a key issue is whether customers notice competing suppliersââ¬â¢ difference in quality. Consultant Brad Gale Puts says that ââ¬Å"Value is simply quality, however the customer defines it, offered at the right priceâ⬠(Bradley T. Gale, 1994)
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Princess Charming Essay -- Disney Fairytales Essays
Princess Charming Methodology I started thinking about an appropriate topic for my Field Report months ago. I considered the world of Punk culture in Chicago. Then I decided I knew too much already about this so I considered perhaps skateboard culture. At least this way I could learn something that I wasn't familiar with firsthand. But still, I have had a significant amount of exposure to skateboarding so I kept searching. I considered the already approved topics and looked specifically at folklore in fairy tales. I have been a fan of Disney movies since I was little, and other than considering which princess I wished to be like most, I never gave them a second thought. Once I began to think about them, I came up with some conclusions that make my view of Disney, and of fairy tales in general, less than magical. I concluded that my premise would be that indeed fairy tales are rich with folklore considering their timelessness, oral tradition, and mythical stories full of common themes. However, these motifs go beyond merely romance, adventure, and evil. Included in this list should be the unrealistic standards for female beauty, female dependence on males for identity, female submission, and the idea that women need to be somehow saved by a heroic man. This research is not intended to prove that fairy tales are themselves evil or dissuade readers from ever watching another Disney re-make. It will instead hopefully encourage viewers to watch with a more critical eye, and in recognizing both the positive and negative folkloric characteristics of the films, change the concept of a fairy tale as a little girl's dream, to what it really is; a fictitious story intended for the entertainment and amusement of children. ... ...e how filmmaking and its characters have evolved over time and what kind of progress we are making. Overall though, I enjoyed looking at these two movies from another, more critical, perspective. There are a lot of hidden connotations that I wasn't previously aware of. Once I started taking notice, they became ubiquitous. I look forward to the day when a woman holds the door for a man, an aggressive and confident woman is not made out to be the villain, and a man awaits his princess charming. Works Cited: Campbell, Joseph. 1961. "Departure," Chapter 1 in Hero with a Thousand Faces, first published 1949, 49-95. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Cinderella. Walt Disney, 1950. Green, Philip. Cracks in Hollywood ideology and Gender in Hollywood. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998. Sleeping Beauty. Walt Disney, 1959.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pablo Picasso and Stelarc
Introduction- Pablo Picasso and Stellar are two artists who both use shock tactics to create artworks that resonate with the audience. Although ones a modernist and the other a postmodernist, they both share similarities in their subject matter, and that is shock value. Body 1- Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who was born in 1881. Picasso was a painter, printmaker, ceramicist, sculptor and stage designer who spent majority of his life living in France. Picasso showed outstanding talent from a young age, who painted in a realistic manner throughout his entire childhood, and into adolescence.Picasso as seen to be one of the most creative artists of the 20th century, who played a major impact influencing young artists. Picasso is also well known for co- founding the period of the cubist movement, along with the invention of sculpture which was constructed, the co-invention of collage and the numerous amount of styles of which he developed by exploring further than other artists. The cubist movement was a type of essential approach to the representation of form and space.The style was first formed from Analytic Cubism to the later Synthetic Cubism, in which forms seemed to be covered over one another. Picasso was seen as a modernist artist as he was the co-founder of cubism, as well as most of his art being abstract and full of shape. Modernism is known for being individual as well as providing artistic theories while expressing and testing out new ideas. The modernist style was firstly found in retail, entertainment, fashion and shops and wasn't properly recognized in art until the late sass's. Artworks- the Weeping Woman series features the most famous artworks in which Pablo Picasso painted. One of these artworks ââ¬ËQueering' is featured throughout the series. Queering is mural sized, oil on canvas which Picasso painted in 1937. Queering displays the chaos and tragedy of which individuals and innocent civilians, even animals and building experienced when the bombing of Queering occurred. The painting is seen as more of a peace symbol rather than an artwork, which helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.Another artwork relating to Queering was Picasso famous artwork Weeping Woman'. Weeping Woman is viewed as a continuation of the tragedy obvious in Queering. Weeping Woman was also oil on canvas and was also painted in 1937, to Join his series. The woman which can be seen in Weeping Woman can also be found in his previous work Queering. She is en clutching onto what appears to be her dead child who was killed from the Spanish Civil War. There are a large variety of etchings, drawings and paintings that feature this emotional female character.Both Weeping Woman and Queering are seen as visual representations on the emotion and feelings that the people felt towards the bombing and war, although some people believe, these paintings were also evaluating the relationship Picasso had with the model Dora, which is the emo tional woman featured in these two artworks, representing the fiery relationship they had, although these artworks created a positive dynamic between the artwork, artist, model and even audience.Both artworks of Queering and Weeping woman are seen as the artist's personal way in shocking the audience by painting the torment of a man haunted by the horrific images of the massacres taking place around him, in the Civil War. Picasso work easily shocked the audience when they were first painted his works as it vilified government and war. Stellar is a postmodern artist who can relate to using the same theme which is shock value, similar to Stellar. Stellar is a Cypriot-Australian artist who was born in 1946.He moved from Cyprus to Australia when he was at a young age. Stellar studied Arts and Craft at T. S. T. C. , Art and Technology at CHATEAU and M. R. I. T. , Melbourne University. He not only studied, but taught Art and Sociology at Yashmak International School and Sculpture and Draw ing at Ballard University College. Stealer's work if often based on suspensions, simulations and interventions of the body, going further beyond what any other artist would usually go. He uses technology to confront the audience and challenge the concept of art.He unites artwork and audience by extending his own body and its capabilities, using it as a sculpture or boundary with technology. He is also well known by his bizarre and different style of artwork through the use of performance, art events and interactive artworks. Stellar has engaged with the theme of the body throughout majority of his artworks. He has the reputation to be involved with his artworks, therefore making them personal to himself and becoming engaged with also the audience.Stellar is a postmodern artist as he emerges art movement which contradict modernism in his artworks. Some of these art movements include intermediary, installation, conceptual art and multimedia, generally involving video which is describe d at postmodern. 2 artworks- Stellar is well known by many people as the artist who uses suspension to portray a performance, using his body as a medium. In the seventies, when Stellar first started experimenting with suspensions, he made his performances mostly private and all acts were performed with surgical equipment.Stealer's suspension performances attracted the audience as it provided them with excitement which occasionally generated shock value. Stealers artwork Suspension, involved his naked flesh, pierced with hooks, which were inserted with wires and pulleys which raised him up off the ground, pulling and stretching at his skin. When the hook enters Stealer's skin, it causes his body to become a physical extension. This then shocks the audience, although it stimulates a calm reaction from Stellar, slower pulse and blood flow is then diminished.Another famous artwork which Stellar has created to gain a reaction from the audience is his artwork Extended Arm. The Extend is c onstructed materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and acrylic. The artwork is a lifelike robotic hand, with five fingers, with some novel capabilities. It is able to do such movements such as wrist rotation as well as thumb rotation, individual finger flexing tit each finger being able to gripper in it.Similar to Picasso, Stellar designs his artworks in hoping to shock the audience which will attract the audience to gain interest in his artworks, and to get his name well known by the general public. As Picasso famous artworks have been around for years longer than Stellar, both artists portrayed their own type of shock. The way shock is seen now, in comparison to when Picasso first originally started creating artworks, has changed drastically, as shock back then wouldn't create the same impact in present.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Differences Between Internal And External Auditors Accounting Essay
The statue of internal and external hearers in company is different. Internal hearer is integrated to the trade company or an external specialised company or in other words is an employee to the company. However external hearer merely integrated to external specialised company and is an independent individual. Besides, internal and external hearer besides differs in end and auditing process. For internal hearer, they monitor the direction and cheque of the legal conformity of the fiscal statement. They besides make appropriate recommendation for the betterment administration procedure. For external hearer, they identify and certify the fiscal statement. Besides, they besides evaluate the internal control system but this is merely valid for fiscal accounting elements. Next, the range of the audit is different every bit good. The range of internal hearer is big which can cover the whole company ââ¬Ës map. But for external hearer, the range is focal points on confirmation the issues that determine the fiscal standing and company ââ¬Ës public presentation. Furthermore, the on the job period of audit is besides different. For internal hearer, they can hold lasting activity within the trade companies which is harmonizing to the article of association. For external hearer, the marks are fitfully organized and at suited minutes for the enfranchisement of histories. There is difference between internal and external hearer in term of their independency. Internal hearer is comparatively independence. But in other instance, if the internal auditing is performed by a 3rd company, they have the independency particular to the free-lances. For external hearer, they are independent to its client as representative of a free profession and regulated lawfully and statutory. Furthermore, internal and external hearer besides use different scrutinizing criterion. Internal hearers may follow GAAS criterion and sometimes they may follow IIA criterion or they may non follow any other particular criterion. However, external hearers are required to follow by and large accepted auditing criterions or international auditing criterions, but internal hearers do non. Guidance brand by internal hearer is different with external hearer as good. Internal hearer will give suggestion to the direction for the betterment of concern whereas external hearer does non necessitate to supply suggestion unless he was asked. Besides they besides have different responsibilities. Internal hearer primary responsibility is to happen frauds and mistakes whereas external hearer has to find the concluding histories on whether it was true. If company found any error made by internal hearer, they can be removed by direction. For external hearer, they can be removed by stockholders. Fiscal statements were made by companies. Investors, creditors and bankers can do usage of the company ââ¬Ës fiscal statements to do their operating determination. Auditing exists in order to do user trust on these fiscal statement, place the fidelity of fiscal statement, and assist the user make concluding determination. The users can non reexamine and place each history in the fiscal statements by themselves although the users have to depend on the fiscal statements to do their determinations. Users depend on fiscal statements so much. But they would non hold adequate abilities and competency to make so even if they could make so. These fiscal statements are audited by independent and intelligent comptrollers or CPAs. Hearers will sporadically analyze each history in the fiscal statements for the application of users. For illustration, hearers will present a formal mail to the Bankss to look into the balances of hard currency or plus and note collectible or liability history. Besides, they will besides direct a mail to the providers and clients of companies to analyze the balance of histories receivable and histories collectible. In short, hearers are the user ââ¬Ës representatives to analyze the fiscal statements of studies. The users can non find whether the fiscal statements are faithful and dependable to show their fiscal place and public presentation if without scrutinizing. Hearers should supply with adequate accounting, and others related cognition. When there are new Torahs and ordinances, they have to accept related preparation and motive. Hearers should hold the character of honest, unsloped, and independent. They can non be influenced by the others in the companies. Besides, hearers besides must hold adequate abilities and competency. There will hold an exam held sporadically to prove whether comptrollers have plenty related cognition. Therefore, we can hold a high criterion of hearers. The cost of scrutinizing depends on the company ââ¬Ës net income. The cost of scrutinizing may besides increase if gross revenues incurred in a company turn up continuously and vice-versa. The cost of scrutinizing is high, but we can hold a high criterion and demand for our hearers. Therefore, a company is willing to pay for this dearly-won expertness. We can to the full mention to their sentiments in the fiscal statements because the hearers are trustable and dependable. Mentioning to their sentiments, we can cognize whether companies overstate or understate their plus and liabilities and whether their statements are faithful. With their sentiments, we can make up one's mind whether to depend on these fiscal statements to do our determinations. If the consequences of fiscal statements are trustable, this means the company did non exaggerate or minimize their histories. Therefore, we can utilize its fiscal statements to do our determination. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Differences Between Hills and Mountains
Differences Between Hills and Mountains Hills and mountains are both natural land formations that rise out of the landscape. Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill. This can make it difficult to differentiate between the two. Mountain Versus Hill There are characteristics that we typically associate with mountains; for example, most mountains have steep slopes and a well-defined summit while hills tend to be rounded. This, however, is not always the case. Some mountain ranges, such as the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, are geologically old and are therefore smaller and more rounded than more classic mountains such the Rocky Mountains in the western United States. Even leaders in geography, like the United States Geological Survey (USGS), do not have an exact definition of a mountain and a hill. Instead, the organizations Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) uses broad categories for most land features, including mountains, hills, lakes, and rivers. Though no one can agree on the heights of mountains and hills, there are a few generally accepted characteristics that define each. An Attempt to Define the Height of a Mountain According to the USGS, up until the 1920s the British Ordnance Survey defined a mountain as a geographic feature rising higher than 1000 feet (304 meters). The United States followed suit and defined a mountain as having a local relief higher than 1000 feet. This definition, however, was dropped in the late 1970s. There was even a movie about the battle over mountain and hill. Inà The Englishman That Went Up a Hill and Down a Mountainà (1995, starring Hugh Grant), a Welsh village challenged cartographers attempts to classify their mountain as a hill by adding a pile of rocks to the top. What is a Hill? In general, we think of hills as having a lower elevation than a mountain andà a more rounded/mound shape than a distinct peak. Some accepted characteristics of a hill are: A natural mound of earth created either by faulting or erosion.A bump in the landscape, rising gradually from its surroundings.Low altitude and elevation, often less than 984-1968 feet (300-600 meters).A rounded top with no well-defined summit.Often unnamed.Easy to climb. Hills may have once been mountains that were worn down by erosion over many thousands of years. Contrariwise many mountains- such as the Himalayas in Asia- were created by tectonic faults and would have, at one time, been what we might now consider hills. What is a Mountain? Thoughà a mountain is typically taller than a hill, there is no official height designation. An abrupt difference in local topography is often described as a mountain, and such features will often haveà mountà or mountainà in their name; examples include Mount Hood, Mount Ranier, and Mount Washington. Some accepted characteristics of a mountain are: A natural mound of earth created by faulting.A very steep rise in the landscape that is often abrupt in comparison to its surroundings.High altitude and elevation, often higher than 1968 feet (600 meters).A steep slope and a defined summit or peak.Often has a name.Depending on the slopes and elevation, mountains can be a challenge to climb. Of course, there are exceptions to these assumptions and some features that would otherwise be called mountains have the word hills in their name. For instance, the Black Hills in South Dakota can also be thought of as a small, isolated mountain range. The highest peak is Harney Peak at 7242 feet of elevation and 2922 feet of prominence from the surrounding landscape. The Black Hills received their name from the Lakota Indians who called the mountainsà Paha Sapa, or black hills.
Monday, October 21, 2019
My Secret Ambition Essay Example
My Secret Ambition Essay Example My Secret Ambition Essay My Secret Ambition Essay Childhood is the best time of a personââ¬â¢s life Many people will probably agree that childhood is the best time of ones life. But not every childhood is happy. Some children may be born in a poor family or under such circumstances that make their lives bad. In my opinion, childhood is the happiest time of a persons life in most cases. Why is childhood the best stage of ones life? Lets consider common circumstances. The child is born in good family, he or she has parents who love and take care of him or her. The kid can go to school, learn, read and write and play with friends and schoolmates. The child is not worried about an adults problems like to have everything ready for work, pay bills, survive till next paycheck etc. Kids dont pay attention to problems like policy, global warming, high criminality or problems of the third world. Then childhood is the happiest time of ones life. You should see parents at the time of their 1st child! They will be so full of joy but what about the child who is screaming and yelling and probably looking like a shrunken prune! The 1st stage of childhood is as sad for the kid as it is as happy for the parents. 5 years later; the kid would look like a picture of happiness mostly when running round and round in the park, squealing with delight while playing with new little friends. Suddenly cries are heard around the park, looks like the kid has got hurt. That scene didnââ¬â¢t last too long-the Childs parents rushed to the scene and comforted the child with love! In next to no time the child was playing again as if nothing had happened! Years roll by when kids reach an age when old trend parents donââ¬â¢t appear to comprehend their adolescent who is in his teens and wants to enjoy every moment of it with his friends. As you know teens, they hate to admit it but sometimes even studies seem appealing as one gets to know what is out there in space or may be learn about new countries in other continents. They even get to express their feelings and their wild imaginations through works of art. Soon when a person reaches at the stage of an adult, responsibilities pour into a personââ¬â¢s life like rain. Worries never the less keep on mounting. A problem is not solved when another arises. A person might wish he/she was a duty free senseless baby who is totally dependant on its parents. But life isnââ¬â¢t all bad, it is like climbing a rocky mountain with many boulders in between. In conclusion, childhood is the happiest time of a persons life in most cases. It depends on circumstances and the number of bad childhood is not small either. One cant chose where he or she will be born.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Conjugate the French Verb Servir
How to Conjugate the French Verb Servir Servir (to serve, to be useful) is an irregular French -irà verb. Below are the simple conjugations of the verbà servir; they do not include the compound tenses, which consist ofà a form of the auxiliary verb with the past participle. Within irregularà -irà verb conjugations, there are someà patterns. Two groups exhibit similar characteristics and conjugation patterns. Then there is a final, large category of extremely irregularà -irà verbs that follow no pattern. Servir is an Irregular -ir- Verb Servirà lies in the first group of irregularà -irà verbs that display a pattern. It includes dormir, mentir, partir, sentir, servir, sortir, and all of their derivatives, such as repartir. All of these verbs share this characteristic: They all drop the last letter of the stem in the singular conjugations. For instance, first person singular ofà servirà isà je sersà (no v) and first person plural isà nous servonsà (retains the và from the stem). The more you recognize these patterns, the easier it will be to remember conjugations. Servir is Conjugated Likeà French Verbs Ending in -mir, -tir, -virà Generally speaking, most French verbs ending inà -mir,à -tir, orà -virà are conjugated this way. Such verbs include: dormirà to sleependormirà à to put/send to sleepredormirà à to sleep some morerendormirà à to put back to sleepdà ©partirà à to accordpartirà à to leaverepartirà à to restart, set off againconsentirà to consentpressentirà à to have a premonitionressentirà à to feel, sensesentirà à to feel, to smellmentirà à to liese repentirà à to repentsortirà à to go outservirà à to serve, to be useful Expressions and Usage servir quelquun de / en quelque chose to serve somebody with something / to serve something to somebodyCest difficile de se faire servir ici. /à à Its difficult to get served here.Sers le cafà ©.à à Pour the coffee.Puis-je te servir du pouletà ?à à Can I serve you some chicken ?Le dà ®ner est servià !à à Dinnerà isà ready / served !Sers-moi boire. à Giveà / pour me a drink.Ils nous servent toujours les mà ªmes histoires aux informations. They always dish out the same old stories on the newsServir la patrie / une causeà to serve country/ a causeOn nest jamais si bien servi que par soi-mà ªme.à (proverb)à If you want something done right, do it yourself.Servir les intà ©rà ªts dune detteà à to service a debtservir la messe à to say / hold massIl a servi, ce manteau. à I got a lot of use out of this coat !Ãâ¡a na jamais servi. à Its never been used toi de servir.à (tennis) Your serve.servir to be used forÃâ¡a ne sert rien de lui en parler. Its useless to talk to him / Its no use talking to him about it. Crier ne sert rien. Theres no point in shouting.servir de to act as, to beJe lui ai servi dinterprà ¨te. à I acted as his servir [pronominal reflexive] to help oneselfServez-vous deà / en là ©gumes. Help yourself to vegetables.Je me suis servi un verre de lait. à I poured myself a glass of servir [pronominal passive] to be servedLe vin rouge se sert chambrà ©. Red wine should be served at room servir de quelque chose to use somethingIl ne peut plus se servir de son bras droit. He cant use his right arm anymore.Cest une arme dont on ne se sert plus. à Its a weapon that is no longer usedà / in servir de quelque chose commeà à to use something asse servir de quelquunà à to make use ofà / to use somebody Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French -ir Verb Servir Present Future Imperfect Present participle je sers servirai servais servant tu sers serviras servais il sert servira servait nous servons servirons servions vous servez servirez serviez ils servent serviront servaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle servi à à SubjunctiveConditionalPassà © simpleImperfect subjunctivejeserveserviraisservisservissetuservesserviraisservisservissesilserveserviraitservitservà ®tnousservionsservirionsservà ®messervissionsvousserviezserviriezservà ®tesservissiezilsserventserviraientservirentservissent Imperative (tu) sers (nous) servons (vous) servez
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Is Airport Security Safe for Travelers Assignment
Is Airport Security Safe for Travelers - Assignment Example The Transportation Security Authority (TSA) has continued to maintain the safety of these machines but there are plenty of people who question these results. Known as Rapiscan backscatter scanners, these will be removed from service by the end of June 2013. Millimeter wave scanners will remain in service instead to carry on with the required scanning for all airport travelers. The reason for the TSA canceling the contracts was presented more as the issue of body pictures resulting from the scans which many travelers felt were very intrusive rather than the fact that radiation might be harmful. Rapiscan, however, was not able to meet the deadline for designing software that would change the body images into stick-like figures rather than the actual body imagery that caused much of the controversy. As a consequence, the contracts were canceled and the scanners will be fully removed. The European Union has already banned all usage of x-ray body scanners in order to avoid any potential risk to EU travelersââ¬â¢ health and welfare. There have been claims from scientists over the years that testing criteria by the company, Rapiscan, had not been accurate from one machine to the next and that there was also leakage on several occasions. While not necessarily a concern to passenger so much, for TSA agents who monitor these machines over a length of time, the residue could add up although this was not addressed at any point. Some previous reports had shown clerical and mathematical errors in test results which, when redone, showed radiation levels at 10 times higher than what was previously expected.
Report on the UK Governments new welfare system project Essay
Report on the UK Governments new welfare system project - Essay Example Every country do have their system policies so as to make her citizens live with ease and access the basic requirements whether young, middle aged or at the old age. The UK government thus has developed a project in the welfare system under the universal credit plan of to help all groups in the society as the service takes care of both the unemployed, students, the working lot, hence providing a welfare of all kinds under one roof. However the project has experienced delays in its implementation due to arousing challenges in the key sectors. For instance, the IT department finds it difficult to bring together composite processor systems so as to enhance claimant registration, poor management of the project by officials and constant different political opinion from the political divide. Nevertheless the government is hopeful that the project will go through. Welfare system is quiet important to any national government priority as it determines the nature of the future population hence key reforms must be put to it as people develop, grow in size and face various challenges in different economic times. Thus over the periods a number of reforms have taken place right from 20th to 21st centuries. In the early days the provision of welfare was on voluntary rather than state offered as mutually and friendly partners benefited each other. Thus as new governments came in, they developed refined ideas aiming at improving the general society. For example the Labor party members used the policy on welfare reforms as key tool in their campaigns. Hence the current government has embarked on reforms of the implementation of the unthinkable concepts generated by the earlier leaders. This is motivated by theories that a good welfare system determines the behavior of the public to any country as it helps shape actions and traits of the citizens, provid es good motivation and moral will between the government and the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Themes of Romantic Music and Renaissance Painting Essay
Themes of Romantic Music and Renaissance Painting - Essay Example A common value that romantic music appreciatively adds on the development of renaissance painting is the period that the two art elements came to existence. By romantic music having existed at the same century as that which renaissance paintings did, it was inevitable that the value of romantic music were relayed through the work of fine art as the artists of that time postulated. An artist like Leonardo da Vinci was known to express and relay emotion on painting canvas, being an artist who appreciated the element of romantic music he could then bring himself to supplement romantic music with paintings effectively. A denoted development such as the invention of musical instruments during the 17th century is a value that effectively influenced the development of renaissance painting. Instruments such as the piano and the guitar are elements that represent music. This element of music representation then reciprocated as renaissance artists could then assign a music instruments incorpor ating it in their paintings to represent musical paintings. A very famous painting of a man playing a guitar; by Fiery Lombard done in 1590ââ¬â¢s in Rome is a representation of this type of paintings inspired by musical instruments. A theme appreciated as that that facilitated the renaissance paintings is religion. Many artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci had a very strong religious background; therefore, in some of their paintings, they most likely choose to incorporate religious elements in their paintings.
Simultaneous multiple sales channel increase the intention of Dissertation
Simultaneous multiple sales channel increase the intention of purchasing of luxury brand goods - Dissertation Example However, all this changed with economic downturn of 2009. The Luxury goods market growth was stunted by the recession. Post recession, the luxury goods industry, seems to have survived the onslaught. However, the industry the market for the so called accessible luxury goods has been subdued. The exclusivity that is so much a part of the luxury brand goods has been restored and now more focused, established and pure luxury brand goods are likely to succeed and sustain themselves in the market. This downside in the Luxury goods business is likely to prompt research into finding ways to increasing and sustain the sales of the luxury goods without really tarnishing the pure luxury image of such goods. As per current economic situation, the brand equity for luxury goods has regained a place of prime importance. This raises the question as to whether there are ways to enhance the purchase intentions for luxury brands while preserving the said equity (Euro Monitor 2010). Further, the sustai nability of the luxury brand goods has come into question and found fresh attention from business researchers. Taking a long term view of the marketing efforts, there is a need to investigate the means as to increase the purchase intentions of consumers for luxury brands at a very fundamental level. ... This is so, lest it dilutes the brand image. Thus there is a need to find out whether, the more accessible or economic versions of the other wise luxury brand will be sustainable and in line with overall brand value of the luxury goods. The existing sales channels for any given brand typically have their own strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the effectiveness of a channel varies with time. Thus it is important to find out a way to compensate for the effects of decline in sales through a channel. Another pertinent question that arises from the above discussion is whether new sales channels need to be developed to compensate for the downward trends in a given sales channel. Also, it needs to be found whether they can add any real value in terms of the customer experience. It remains to be seen whether any new channels will really be able to have any positive effect on the purchase intentions of the consumers. If yes then how the additional sales channels can be used to maximize the sa les by affecting the purchase intentions. Luxury goods businesses need to have a guiding tool to help them decide whether and how the specific brand they are selling will respond to opening of any new sales channels and whether they will really be beneficial for their given brand. In this context its important to note that certain brands resist opening new sales and distribution channels for their brands. For instance the Rolex brand owners are against internet as a means to sell their brand (Brand Channel 2012). At the same time other luxury brands are endorsing internet as a sales channel. This raises questions about the validity of sales channelsââ¬â¢ effectiveness for luxury brands. These questions can be answered only with proper research into the topic. The procurement or
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Engineering Ethics - Essay Example The whole logical decision making procedures begin with scrutinizing the project that falls under the domain of the engineering professional field and analyzing the output or the consequences of those projects within the circumstances that encircles the most preserved ideals and principles. At later stages, these engineering ethics listed ideals are being actively considered by scientific and technical professionals in a situation of necessity specially those which would create public roles out of those professionals in situations where their understanding of technology and its impact could become a sapling with a potential to enable common public to have a peek into new thinking, debate, and action. Hence, ethical responsibility has now moved beyond the earlier definition that revolves around decency, honesty and truthfulness in life. At the same time, it has moved past the concept of wise decision making and is now more than mere selection through those wise concepts over choices s plattered suddenly or better to say unexpectedly. The moral for an individual should now diversify with the spurted desire to involve others and forming a team in taking decisions with a purpose to define the steps undertaking the crucial choices. The difficulty over here is that of utilizing own intelligence that might sometime challenge the dominance of the technology and machines (Collins). Various societies of professional Engineers have provided code of ethics for engineers. Almost all those enlisted codes underscore the importance of engineering profession and how an engineering profession makes changes to this world could and hence needs to follow those codes. The structure over which this world now relies for day to day movement and work is very much a result of efforts made by Engineering for centuries. They have got direct and vital impact on common man's life and their quality of living. Their presence is everywhere either in form of service or products that have now become indispensible. The electricity, electronic equipments, the houses we live, the roads e travel, the vehicle we board, the communication devices through which we make virtual connection with the rest of the world. The presence of engineering marvel is spread all across. Now, here comes the point which encircles over issues that makes the code of engineering ethics important. The engineers are s upposed or better to say have a say almost everywhere including public health, safety and welfare. So, they need to practice highest level of honesty, fairness, impartiality and equity. The standard of professional behavior being practiced by engineers should enlighten itself through highest principles of ethical conduct (NSPE, [National Society for Professional Engineers]). The code begins with some fundamental canons. These provides point wise list following which is a must when engineers are observing their professional duties. These canons have great importance as they necessitate the importance of engineering as a profession and at the same time provide engineers a level of seriousness to their existence and utilization as a professional. The code states that the most important of all is nothing but public's safety, welfare and
How One Becomes a General Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
How One Becomes a General Manager - Assignment Example The assignment "How One Becomes a General Manager" talks about the general manager position who needs to be extensively qualified and additionally have sufficient experience in a hotel setting. This is clearly presented by Francisco Giles, who is a hotel manager of Renaissance Dubai Hotel, studied hotel management in Switzerland. Additionally made his way up in the hotel industry as he moved around different countries working in different areas including in the sales department and the food and beverages just to mention a few. This is also reflected by Marguerite Howley, a hotel owner who learned her trade by working for some of the major hotels and professionals such Gordon Ramsey before she managed to open her own hotel. Training is very essential, and the gaining of experience from different countries is vital in making one an international general manager. Based on Paul Oââ¬â¢Connell the general manager at Castle Hotel located in Ireland, he believes that an international mana ger would require working in different countries to gain from different cultures and different management styles. A properly qualified GM needs to be in the hotel business for at least 25 years as illustrated by Francisco Giles, who himself has been in the industry for over twenty-five years. A good manager needs to have a diverse personality and be able to deal with the diverse clients. Additionally, a good manager as the hotel industry keeps on changing it would require that a manager is always abreast with the happenings in the hotel industry.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Engineering Ethics - Essay Example The whole logical decision making procedures begin with scrutinizing the project that falls under the domain of the engineering professional field and analyzing the output or the consequences of those projects within the circumstances that encircles the most preserved ideals and principles. At later stages, these engineering ethics listed ideals are being actively considered by scientific and technical professionals in a situation of necessity specially those which would create public roles out of those professionals in situations where their understanding of technology and its impact could become a sapling with a potential to enable common public to have a peek into new thinking, debate, and action. Hence, ethical responsibility has now moved beyond the earlier definition that revolves around decency, honesty and truthfulness in life. At the same time, it has moved past the concept of wise decision making and is now more than mere selection through those wise concepts over choices s plattered suddenly or better to say unexpectedly. The moral for an individual should now diversify with the spurted desire to involve others and forming a team in taking decisions with a purpose to define the steps undertaking the crucial choices. The difficulty over here is that of utilizing own intelligence that might sometime challenge the dominance of the technology and machines (Collins). Various societies of professional Engineers have provided code of ethics for engineers. Almost all those enlisted codes underscore the importance of engineering profession and how an engineering profession makes changes to this world could and hence needs to follow those codes. The structure over which this world now relies for day to day movement and work is very much a result of efforts made by Engineering for centuries. They have got direct and vital impact on common man's life and their quality of living. Their presence is everywhere either in form of service or products that have now become indispensible. The electricity, electronic equipments, the houses we live, the roads e travel, the vehicle we board, the communication devices through which we make virtual connection with the rest of the world. The presence of engineering marvel is spread all across. Now, here comes the point which encircles over issues that makes the code of engineering ethics important. The engineers are s upposed or better to say have a say almost everywhere including public health, safety and welfare. So, they need to practice highest level of honesty, fairness, impartiality and equity. The standard of professional behavior being practiced by engineers should enlighten itself through highest principles of ethical conduct (NSPE, [National Society for Professional Engineers]). The code begins with some fundamental canons. These provides point wise list following which is a must when engineers are observing their professional duties. These canons have great importance as they necessitate the importance of engineering as a profession and at the same time provide engineers a level of seriousness to their existence and utilization as a professional. The code states that the most important of all is nothing but public's safety, welfare and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Is Raynair an unethical business Ethical and Philosophical approaches Essay
Is Raynair an unethical business Ethical and Philosophical approaches - Essay Example Four years later, the company lost $20 million dollars. Later in 2011, the company had grown to attract 75.8 million passengers who boarded their planes, leading to generation of a whopping $4.2 billion in revenues. After years of exponential growth, the company finally resolved to offer their customers very low airfare rates, though a storm sparked when the company introduced many unreasonable charges. Raynair unmatched low prices brought the company to a status of global fame, because its services were 2-3 times cheaper than what similar companies charged. However, the truth of the matter is that this airline company had introduced so many hidden fees and services to boost its revenue and recover from the extremely low prices. This issue attracted a lot of controversy regarding the legality of what Raynair was doing and whether its business plan and procedures was really ethical. In a nutshell, Ryanairââ¬â¢s hidden charges are certainly unethical. It is very strange, for example, to realize that a customer is charged a fee for not checking-in online. Raynair introduces so many hidden charges and hides them under their ââ¬Å"low priced ticketsâ⬠. This unethical practice, unfortunately, can taints its reputation and reduce its customers base. If Raynairââ¬â¢s purpose is to maximize shareholderââ¬â¢s returns, violating the rights of employees and customers to achieve its goals is a violation of its ethical responsibility. Raynair airline is a corporate entity, which is legally considered to be a corporate person, entitled to rights and responsibilities, just like any other person. Theorists, such as Milton Friedman has maintained that corporate executives are free to maximize the profits of their entities the way they want, but by making sure they conform to their basic rules of the society, including those embodied in the ethical customs and those embodies in law (Friedman, 1970). However, the case of Raynair is a case of total disregard to these laws and ethical customs. While the company generates about $500 million, over 20 percent of this revenue comes from sources other than airline tickets. Some of the additional revenue sources include $208 charged for passengers who change names on their boarding pass, exces sive luggage fee of $28 per kilo, a boarding pass fee of $40, a reserved seat fee of $13, credit card use fee of 2%, a checked musical instrument fee of $83, a bottle of water that is sold to customers at $3.50. These and many other types of fees that are charged in the cabin have attracted a lot of controversy, regarding their legality and ethical grounds. The employees of Raynair are also not left out in the ethical controversy that surrounds their employer. They are the ones who are forced to charge the customers these controversial charges. According to Friedman, maximizing of the companyââ¬â¢s profits without regards to workers or customerââ¬â¢s welfare is an unethical act of individualism (Gallagher, 2005). In regards to this, Raynair is engaging in individualism because its central motive is maximizing profits, notwithstanding what it will take to achieve that goal. Following its reactions, it was estimated that the company would save millions of money, at the expense o f 400,000 passengers. The fact that there are numerous customers who lodge complaints after experiencing different ordeals, but their concerns are hardly addressed, is a further testimony
Monday, October 14, 2019
Compare and Contrast Call of the Wild Essay Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast Call of the Wild Essay Essay Jaguars are the largest of South Americas big cats. They once roamed from the southern tip of that continent north to the region surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border. Today significant numbers of jaguars are found only in remote regions of South and Central Americaââ¬âparticularly in the Amazon basin. These beautiful and powerful beasts were prominent in ancient Native American cultures. In some traditions the Jaguar God of the Night was the formidable lord of the underworld. The name jaguar is derived from the Native American word yaguar, which means he who kills with one leap. Unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid water; in fact, they are quite good swimmers. Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or caimansââ¬âsmall, alligator like animals. Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to prepare an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite. Most jaguars are tan or orange with distinctive black spots, dubbed rosettes because they are shaped like roses. Some jaguars are so dark they appear to be spotless, though their markings can be seen on closer inspection. Jaguars live alone and define territories of many square miles by marking with their waste or clawing trees. Females have litters of one to four cubs, which are blind and helpless at birth. The mother stays with them and defends them fiercely from any animal that may approachââ¬âeven their own father. Young jaguars learn to hunt by living with their mothers for two years or more. Jaguars are still hunted for their attractive fur. Ranchers also kill them because the cats sometimes prey upon their livestock.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Environmental Ethics And Social Responsibility
Environmental Ethics And Social Responsibility Environmental ethics has become a hot topic of the modern era. Gone are the days of our natural surroundings being an afterthought. We, as a society, are now fully aware of the natural habitat in which we are a part of, what it does for us, and what we do and can do for it. This is significant as this recognition was, for the most part, absent until just a few decades ago. The following paper will illustrate how although we have come a long way in realizing natures true essence and our negligence of this respect, we still have a lot of work to do in honing these moralistic views, because the Earth is not just for human beings and if we dont continue to acknowledge this, it may just fight back. In centuries past, society paid little attention to nature and its non-human inhabitants other than how it can benefit mankind. Whether it was for food, work, or pleasure, nature only was recognized for human gain. We were very much an anthropocentric civilization, meaning, we only assigned intrinsic value to human beings only or there was a greater intrinsic value placed on humans above all non-human life forms (Brennan Lo, 2008). It was even a strong religious belief that everything on Earth was put here by God for human consumption. Everything was assumed to be at our disposal. From trees to animals, if we had a need for it, it was used. Add to this that our population throughout history has grown exponentially and this means even more people contributing to this carelessness. Over time, individuals were not the only ones disregarding nature, entities such as businesses were too. As industries were discovered and grew they not only used our natural resources but contaminated them as well through pollution and waste. Though noted historical figures such as naturalist Aldo Leopold (1949), biologist Rachel Carson (1963) and historian Lynn White Jr. (1967) helped to pioneer environmental awareness, it wasnt until April 22, 1970 that reform really began to take place. That particular day was labeled Earth Day in the United States and it was a day used to bring consciousness to the endangerment and value of our environment (Earth Day still is recognized annually every April to this day). In addition to this event, NASA produced a shocking and enlightening image of the Earth taken from space at Christmas 1968 and featured in the Scientific American in September 1970 that really propelled public interest. Here, plain to see, was a living, shining planet voyaging through space and shared by all humanity, a precious vessel vulnerable to pollution and to the overuse of its limited capacities (Brennan Lo, 2008), concern became evident. All of the use and subsequent ab use combined with a constant booming population produced a need for a change, hence environmental ethics was born. Environmental ethics, defined, is a branch of philosophy that considers the moral relations between human beings and their natural environment; as a field of study, it assumes that humans have certain responsibilities to the natural world, and it seeks to help people and their leaders become aware of them and to act responsibly when they do things that impact the natural world (ScienceClarified, 2010). Not only do environmental ethics highlight the human mistreatment of the environment and the effects of this mistreatment, but it emphasizes nature and all living organisms as having just as much right to live/exist on this Earth as humans do. Two schools of thought, though various forms exist, are consistent with environmental ethics: deep ecology and shallow ecology. Deep ecology is a philosophical belief that all forms of life- plant, animal, human- have an intrinsic right to exist in the natural environment and that humans have a direct responsibility to maintain the environment fo r all life forms; whereas shallow ecology holds that humans have a responsibility to protect the environment so it can support human life both in the present and in the future (ScienceClarified, 2010). While deep ecology is more so the ultimate goal, both philosophies are a major change in thought when compared to our anthropocentric past. Do other species have an intrinsic right to exist? Does the Earth exist just for the benefit of humanity? Are humans responsible for being the guardians over the Earth? Do trees have any legal rights? Are we obligated to have concern for future generations? Questions such as these, among many others, are what drive environmental ethics. Now that we know what environmental ethics is and a little of its history we can take a look at where we stand today on environmental ethics. Unfortunately, today we still face an enormous amount of environmental issues which include: air and water pollution, erosion of soil, deforestation, diminishing natural resources, biodiversity destruction (plant and animal extinction), and ozone layer depletion, among others. Most of these matters were becoming a problem when we were first introduced to environmental ethics and have actually increased tenfold since. This doesnt make sense, why would these problems still exist, let alone be worse now when the human race has shown concern regarding them? The answer is not easy but it mostly has to do with human nature and overpopulation. The increase in human population increases the demands for the water resources; more land is required for housing; there is an increased demand for food for which agricultural land is needed; more fuel is requir ed; more automobiles and manufacturers cause more pollution etc.(Pillai, 2009). Compound this with the mere fact that humans always want more and something better, thus continually increasing ones lifestyle, whether it is through breakthroughs in technology or industrial progresses (among many others), takes it toll on the environment as well. Even though the realm of environmental ethics has enabled many agencies to exist, such as the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), to help monitor and regulate the people and their treatment of the environment, as well as educating them, more must be done. Looking towards the future, the function of environmental ethics will become even more substantial. As the planet is under enormous geological stresses, which are continually increasing, it will in the future no longer be able to support its population (Haan, 2009). Effort from nations, organizations, and groups are most certainly needed to improve, but our future may just depend on a better individual effort. Most people are under the impression that their individual effort is so minute in the grand scheme of things that they actually assume very little responsibility towards the environment. Another problem is that the majority of humankind doesnt understand just how their actions of today can greatly affect the future generation. Just because something that is done today doesnt have an immediate effect it is often overlooked. It is important to understand that everyone plays a role in the overall process of life; each persons decision can ultimately affect the future (Haan, 2009). Some individual efforts that can make a difference concerning our environmental future are: reducing usage of plastic since it is not biodegradable, recycling garbage, promoting the development and use of environment friendly technologies, and utilizing more organic agriculture. Another big change that may be needed, though it can be controversial, is to implement aggressing family planning to limit human population; there is only so much land available and no matter how many alterations we make in our lifestyles and mentality, too many people is too many peopleà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦but that is topic for another day. Nevertheless, our insights and actions towards the environment are critical for the future of our survival, environmental ethics are imperative. In short, if we want to see a future it is imperative that we make more of an effort to curb our indulgences as we make progress. Yes, advancement in technology, big business and the like has benefited mankind greatly but we all must keep in mind that with greater success comes greater responsibility. The study of environmental ethics has opened our eyes but we must continue to respect nature in its own right and therefore it will in turn thrive again as it once did enabling us to live as we should. Yes, it shouldnt be a give and take scenario but being the humans that we are, this is inevitable. However, just as we have taken from nature for so many years, nature can and just may take something back, it may take us, the existence of the human race, if we dont take more responsibility as individuals and as a whole and continue to push the movement.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
John Locke and Human Nature :: Second Treatise on Civil Government
In The Second Treatise of Government, Locke defines political power, discusses the inalienable birth-rights of man, and the need for both in the formation of a legitimate government. John Lockeââ¬â¢s The Second Treatise of Government defines a legitimate government in relation to the protection of inalienable rights. He views a valid government as one which upholds his three main natural laws of life, liberty and property. In defining political power, Locke insists that it is proper to make laws ââ¬Å"for the regulating and preserving of property,â⬠and adds, that if necessary, ââ¬Å"the execution of such laws, and in the defense of the common-wealth [sic] from foreign injury.â⬠This is needed ââ¬Å"for the public good.â⬠(Locke, Sec. III) Defined, Lockeââ¬â¢s political power is the ability to uphold a constitution. Lockeââ¬â¢s reasoning for the creation of a government arises in the need to protect life, liberty and justice. Locke concludes that ââ¬Å"the reason why men enter into society, is the preservation of their property; and the end why they choose and authorize a legislative,â⬠but adds that the citizens ââ¬Å"have a right to resume their original liberty â⬠¦ by the establishment of a new legislativeâ⬠(Locke, Sec. CCXXI) when those rights are threatened. The protection of life, liberty and justice then becomes the reason for a ââ¬Å"new legislative.â⬠The value Locke places on property is only furthered in his discussion of the will of the populace. Locke discusses in his chapter Of the Beginning of Political Societies the effect which the majority has on the betterment of the community: ââ¬Å"For when any number of Men have, by the consent of every individual, made a Community, the have thereby made that Community one Body, with a Power to Act as one Body, which is only by the will and determination of the majorityâ⬠(Locke, Sec.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Promoting Computer Literacy Among Student Essay
A. TITLE OF THE POLICY PAPER Promoting Computer Literacy among Student in Lanao Del Sur B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Through scientific and technological progress, the world has become a single global community. Modern means of telecommunication and transportation have fostered the rapid sharing of information, ideas and resources among the nations of the world. This is the challenge that faces Philippine society today ââ¬â to become part of the global technological community. BELLAFLOR J. ANGARA-CASTILLO (The problem is focused on the low Computer Literacy among students in Lanao Del Sur) Living in the information Age; in this fast-paced era of globalization, computer literacy has been a necessary skill everyone must possess along with Arithmetic and Reading. It is in fact expected among students and workers in different institutions to be computer literate. The studies have revealed that many Meranaos and Non-Meranaos living in Lanao Del Sur are behind in Computer Literacy. In fact, many students in Lanao Del Sur are not even par with thosestudents in Luzon and urban areas. Survey on Internet Access and Use by Filipino SchoolchildrenFinal Report (Summary nationwide Findings)explain the reason why some Filipino Schoolchildren are not using internet. Reasons for not using the Internet centered mainly on the absence of Internetconnection at home/school (61%) and computer illiteracy (51%). Lack of Internetconnection at home may be due to economic reasons as well asparentsââ¬â¢ low educational background, since 83 percent of the non-users arepublic school students.The high level of computer illiteracy should be a priority concern sinceââ¬Å"competitivenessâ⬠and ââ¬Å"survivalâ⬠of children in todayââ¬â¢s Knowledge Society is toa great extent dependent on digital literacy. Computer classes are notavailable in public elementary schools compared with private schools. Filipino schoolchildren are computer literate as almost three-fourths (74%)have access to the Internet. But schoolchildren in the Visayas and MetroManila have greater access than their counterparts in the Cordilleras andMindanao as approximately 9 out of 10 schoolchildren in these areas areInternet users. Schoolchildren from lower grades, i.e. elementary than high school students,have lesser access to Internet. Several reasons can be cited: while theDepartment of Education (DepED) has a program which provides computerpackages to public high schools, this is not available to public elementaryschools; elementary pupils are less mobile than older children, e.g. going tomalls; parents have more control on their activities and whereabouts, etc. Majority (51%) of schoolchildren reported ââ¬Å"not knowing how to use thecomputerâ⬠as reason for not using the Internet, it is important that computerliteracy should now be included in the school curriculum especially in publicschools where computer illiteracy is more pronounced. (This survey shows that the people of Mindanao iss behind incomputer literacy compare to the people of Luzon and Visayas) This is an alarming issue since while other countries are devising robots already, our citizens (Filipinos) have not even explored much about computers or worse some have not even tried using it once. With the situation all the more the Philippines cannot compete with other countries. Computer Literacy is an important asset that every citizen should have. These canhelp in contributing to the workforce and equipping oneself with the information essential for onesââ¬â¢ development both personally and professionally. While other countries are on the milestone of invention and innovation, if this problem on poor computer literacy among students in Lanao Del Sur be unresolved, we will always be left behind still groping in trying how such innovation works. While they are already benefitting much to it, we are just about in the process of learning it. To gain a skill in Computer literacy is just but gaining access in the intricate system of technology melded by great minds that could pave the way for our development. 2. Causesand background of the problem Factors that lead to the development of the said problem are: First, school computers are not enough for the student. Some schools do have computers but this is not enough to accommodate every students. Sometimes only the students in first section are the one who are benefited in using computer. Second, the capability of teachers who teach computer subject. For those schools do have computer class the problem is the teachers do not have the quality to teach computer literacy because they donââ¬â¢t have any good background how to use the computer system properly. Third schools donââ¬â¢t have enough funds to buy computers equipment for their student. Schools especially in the remote areas donââ¬â¢t have enough budget or no budget at all to buy computer equipment for their students. 3. Undesirable social conditions that result from the problem. 1. The numbers of student who are illiterate in using computer will increase. Students of Lanao Del Sur who are computer illiterate will increase they become ignorant in using Information Technology (IT). 2. The student will not benefit of what technology brought to us. While other students of Luzon and Visayas are already benefited much to it, the students of Lanao Del Sur are just about in learning it. . 3. It will destroy the image of quality of education in our society. The quality of education in Lanao Del Sur will become low, because while students using the information technology our students still attached to the old technique of teaching education. When we say basic computer literacy we mean how to turn off/on the computer properly, how to use basic computer program such as, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and how to make e-mail account and send e-mail account. Computer literacy should be include in school curricula at early level in Grade school grade six and seven. In highs cool computer literacy to introduce to the student in year level 3rd and 4th year for them to master basic computer program. C. REVIEWS ON PREVIOUS EFFORT ON THE PROBLEM The Philippines Constitution 1987 has mandated ââ¬Å"ARTICLE II Declaration of Principles & State Policiesâ⬠and ARTICLE XIV Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports,says that the state shall give priority to Education, Promote and Protect the right of all students to quality education to all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education to all. There are some proposed House Bills and Senate Bill aim to promote technical and scientific literacy in computer education among the Filipino Youth. House Bill No. 880 AN ACT TO INTEGRATE COMPUTER EDUCATION INTO THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY CURRICULUM AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR House Bill No. 2096 AN ACT CREATING SPECIAL COMPUTER LITERACY EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES House Bill No. 447 AN ACT TO INTEGRATE COMPUTER EDUCATION INTO THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Senate Bill No. 1118 AN ACTTO INTEGRATE A COMPUTER EDUCATION PROGRAMINTO THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES All of these proposed bills say that it is the priority of a state to promote and support computer literacy at the earliest grade level both in the Public and Private schools system of the country. The state shall provide for an educational computer program integrated in the existing elementary and secondary school curricula. However, as observed, this not fully implemented. Perhaps, it was on the ground of lack of funds.ââ¬Å"The main cause of this is the lack of funds.â⬠Textbooks and school infrastructure alone are not much priority which themselves are not also resolved. To some schools blessed with few computers, the students cannot even learn from it since they were not given hands-on activities for them. Even if for some schools that have computer subjects in their school curriculum, the manner of instruction is not good enough. It was due to the fact that the school curriculum is not fully implemented. The subject exists but the classes for it are not executed. In some cases where there is computer class, the problem is on the teachers who themselves are computer illiterate. That is because they were product of traditional curriculum and werenââ¬â¢t provided with proper training for computer instruction. This again implies that a funding should also be allotted for training teachers who will handle computer subjects especially for those living in remote areas. Capability Building for Teachers School teachers also need training in media and information literacy. This willequip them with skills needed in making their students critical mediaproducers and consumers and at the same time provide teacherscompetencies in using media as teaching-learning tools. UNESCO hasproduced a model curriculum on Media and Information Literacy forSecondary School Teachers which can be adapted in local setting. The Internet has emerged as an important teaching-learning tool as learnersbetter appreciate the learning process when it is mediated. Teachers shouldbe provided with professional development opportunities to help them modeleffective use of the Internet as a tool for studentsââ¬â¢ learning, includingintegrating Internet learning with regular classroom learning.Schools should encourage blogging among students since it enhancescreativity and writing skills. The Education Sector (Department of Education, Public and PrivateSchools) Computer Facilities in All Schools While we recognize that even basic needs are still wanting in many public elementary and high schools, there is a need to address the digital dividebetween public and private schools. Still, many private schools in theregions also lack computer facilities. The Department of Education andother government agencies should come up with more ââ¬Å"innovativeâ⬠approaches in mobilizing resources for investing in computer acquisition.Some proposals have already been forwarded recently, e.g. tax on textingthe revenue to be used in acquiring computers for all public schoolsnationwide. Computer acquisition should be complemented by Internetconnectivity. With this seen problem, some NGOââ¬â¢s extended a helping hand.The USAID GEM-CLIC for instance together with its external links such as the (STEP-UP) Stop Trafficking and Exploitation of People Through Unlimited Potential), and the Microsoft Potential from US conducted Computer and Life Skills Training among youth especially for those out of school youth and vulnerable groups such as victims of human trafficking. Their goal is to provide Computer and Life Skills Training to equip Filipinos with these skills they can use for livelihood here instead of going abroad; thus to prevent being a victim of human trafficking. This project was launched in November 2009 in Patani Marawi City and has indeed produced batch of computer literate youth out of school and some adults. D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE POLICY PAPER Computer Literacy is an asset for a society transforming and adapting tothe globalization trend. In this Information Age, where thereââ¬â¢s an explosion of knowledge, grasping it can be possible with just the tip of your finger. Thus computer literacy is a big advantage among students and workforce. In fact, nowadays, computer literacy is always a big qualification searched for an applicant. Because whatever institutions are utilizing computers. The students and the workforce; whether teachers, clerks, staff from smallest to biggest business establishment and even in government institution will benefit from this trend provided they are computer literate. E. OBJECTIVE OF THE POLICY PROPOSAL General Objective This proposed policy aims to promote literacy in computer education among the students in Lanao Del Sur. This seeks to integrate basic computer education into school curriculum; this proposed policy also mandates sufficient funding for the program. Specific Objectives * Toask the government to provide funds for this project. * To urge the school administrator to a curriculum integrating computer class. * To have a strict implementation of computer literacy instructor among schools whereby an assessment on should be given to students to keep track of their development and to monitor as well as the conducting of computer class both by the DepEd and local government. F. STRATEGIES AND PROCEDURE ON HOW TO START THE POLICY MOVE 1. Inform Mrs. SafinaMacabando-BacaratthePrincipal of Marinaut Elementary School she is also concern with Computer Literacy. To check for any additional information or review of this proposed policy paper. 2. Inform Mrs. JalilaMacabando-Dimal a sister of Principal SafinaMacabando-Bacarat who is a Supervisor in East District to support this proposed policyand tell her co-Supervisors that they a need to pay attention to the problem of Computer Literacy in among students inLanao Del Sur. 3. Send a letter for an appointment with the head of local offices such as Department of Education (DepEd) in Lanao Del sur. Give them a copy of this proposed policy. Mrs. JalilaMacabando-Dimal would be able to convince Mrs.Mona A. MacatanongMarawi Superintendent and the DepEd since she is the supervisor of the East District. Discuss the problem about computer literacy among the students in L.D.S , to have strict impelentation in Computer education and inform every school who that their permit to operate a school will remove if they will not cooperate. 4. Connect with the NGOââ¬â¢ssuch as USAID together STEP-UP Stop Trafficking and Exploitations of People through Unlimited Potential and the Microsoft Potential from US conducted Computer and Life Skill Training. 5. Send a letter for an appointment with the Regional DepEdSecretary JamarKulayan, Mrs. JalilaMacabando-Dimal through Mona A. Macatanong if thereââ¬â¢s an increase of literacy in computer education. 6. Meeting with the DepEd Secretary, Supervisors and Principals of different provinces in Lanao Del Sur and the NGOs to provide a real plan and a system in meeting the demands in providing more computers and increase of literacy in computer education. 7. Secure a copy as reference or review of this proposed policy paper in the congress.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The movie, ââ¬Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,â⬠was a very interesting but sad movie. It made me think about how children really don't see a lot of things and how they are very innocent. The way the Jews were being treated made me really upset at how things were really running like that in Germany without many countries not noticing, especially the United States, until years later when they had gone to war.But by then, many people had died, or became survivors without any family, homes or any of their elongings at all. It was ridiculous in the way they got away with a lot of things. Their own people in the country thought that it wasn't even bad and they saw the Jews as the enemies. Brunos father who was in charge of the concentration camp though he was doing the right thing, but until his own son died, he was in complete shock. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was Just standing there and couldn't believe it.I think he realized what he was doing and how things drastically changed for his amily and him, especially in how many children and Jews he had been killing in the camp. I really liked how there was friendship in the movie though. Shmuel and Bruno had met, and Bruno would go visit him and talk to him and try to play with him sometimes. But Shmuel couldn't play, because he was very unhealthy and dehydrated, he could barely run. It would break my heart when Bruno would try to bring him food, but he would drop it along the way.I really liked the acting in the ovie; it made everything look so real, even the setting was nice. I really don't know how or what they did to make the prisoners in the movie seem so skinny as if they hadn't ate in months. Pavel who was the butler in the house, would Just peel potatoes all day, it was really horrid when he got beat up for dropping the glass of wine on the dinner table. Many people had to give up their dreams and school Just like Pavel did. It's hard to imagine if that would ha ve happened to me and my family.I wonder what appened to all the people who were involved in this, if they all died or if went to Jail, did they survive? This film also showed me that you shouldn't discriminate any types of people from the rest. It is really sad, because to this day, that's how a lot of people still are and that's the way they think. This is actually one of my favorite movies because it has so many different concepts and it makes you think about many things. Especially to see how far, into friendship you would go. By Jsierra9 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, based on the novel of the same title, directed by Mark Herman, set in Germany during World War II in the early 1940s. It follows the story of Bruno, an eight-year-old boy living in Berlin, currently under the rule of Adolf Hitler. His father is a commandant at a concentration camp. When his family moves to Auschwitz (or as Bruno believes it to be pronounced: ââ¬ËOut-Withââ¬â¢) near the concentration camp for his fatherââ¬â¢s work, Bruno finds himself confined to the front yard of his new home and longs for a friend and an adventure. After finding a way out of the property, he discovers a concentration camp, although at this stage he believes it to be a farm rather than a prison. Bruno quickly develops a friendship with Schmuel, a Jewish boy living in the concentration camp who is the same age as him. Bruno makes several visits to the camp, despite being told by his parents that he is not to venture outside the back gate. Schmuel tells Bruno that his father is missing, while Bruno is informed that he and his sister will go to live with his Aunt. Instead of leaving his home in the country to go back to Berlin, Bruno decides to help Schmuel find his father. He dons striped ââ¬Å"pyjamasâ⬠and crosses the fence, with horrific consequences. A character I disliked in the movie was Brunoââ¬â¢s father, Ralf. Ralf is a stereotypical German Nazi commandant in charge of the nearby Auschwitz concentration camp. He is very much in support of Adolf Hitler, believing that the Jewish are bad people. He tries to convince his family that he is making the world a better place. Brunoââ¬â¢s sister, Gretel, supports her fatherââ¬â¢s views on the matter, and explains to Bruno about the Jewish. ââ¬Å"But Dad just sat there! â⬠ââ¬Å"What did you expect him to do? The Jew deserved it! â⬠Can I ask you something about the farm? â⬠ââ¬Å"Bruno, you donââ¬â¢t think it is a farm, do you? Itââ¬â¢s a camp, whatââ¬â¢s called a work camp, for Jews. â⬠ââ¬Å"Just Jews, because they are the best workers? â⬠ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢re not in because they are good, silly, they arenââ¬â¢t good at anything. They are in there because they are evil. They are the enemy, evil dangerous vermin. Theyââ¬â¢re the reason why we lost the Great War. â⬠Ralf also imposes a fake perception of the concentration camp on his soldiers. He shows them a video that portrays the fact that the camp is a nice place to live and that the Jewish enjoy it there. New arrivals here are happy to discover that life in the camp is not all work and that thereââ¬â¢s ample opportunity for leisure also. At the end of their day of ironmongery or the build of boot factory, the workers can enjoy the many forms of pastime that the camp has to offer. Organised sport is very popular. Those that donââ¬â¢t play certainly enjoy watching. At the end of the working day the centrally located cafe is the ideal place for friends and families to join together for a hearty and nutritious meal. The children in particular enjoy the pastries and cakes on offer. In the evenings the occasional music concerts either by visiting orchestras or, indeed, by talented musicians from within the camp itself, are always well attended. Other recreations include reading in the library, pottery, cookery, art and horticulture for adult and child alike. Almost any activity one could wish for is available within the camp. â⬠This description is in stark contrast to what the camp really is like. I find Brunoââ¬â¢s father a horrible person for not telling the truth about the camp. Even his wife doesnââ¬â¢t know what goes on in the camp, and when she finds out, Ralf tells her that he was sworn to secrecy. I think we are lucky that we live in a time when fathers arenââ¬â¢t necessarily bound to their job in such a way that it almost destroys a family. Brunoââ¬â¢s father was brainwashed into believing that the Jewish were bad people and did not deserve to live, as was Brunoââ¬â¢s sister, Gretel. I am glad that in this century we are not so easily led into believing such things. What Ralf did was horrible but in a way he was trying to protect his family ââ¬â if he had disobeyed Hitlerââ¬â¢s orders, he may have ended up in a camp himself or even dead ââ¬â but in this case his efforts to protect Bruno did not turn out so well. I also think we are lucky that we live in a country where we have enough freedom to disagree with our leaders and have an option to vote them out if necessary. In World War II, if you had a different opinion to Hitler, you were either sentenced to death or put in a concentration camp. Ralf did what was best for his family, but in doing so did some horrific things to other people. I felt extremely sorry for the main protagonist, Bruno, and enjoyed the theme of innocence. Bruno was very young, naive and hardly knew anything about the war. I think his parents and tutor should have informed him better about what was going on outside of his front yard, as he certainly didnââ¬â¢t deserve to die in a concentration camp. If he had known more about the outside world, perhaps he wouldnââ¬â¢t have felt so obliged to explore further and in doing so enter the camp. His innocence is portrayed in this instance, when he is talking to Schmuel through the fence. Bruno: ââ¬Å"Is everything alright? â⬠Schmuel: ââ¬Å"No, we canââ¬â¢t find the Pa. He went on a different work duty with some of the men and they havenââ¬â¢t come back. ââ¬Å"I have got some bad news, too. Iââ¬â¢m going away. â⬠ââ¬Å"How long this time? â⬠ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s what itââ¬â¢s bad. Itââ¬â¢s forever I think. Mum says this is no place for children. â⬠ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s just stupid. When do you go? â⬠ââ¬Å"Tomorrow, after lunch. â⬠ââ¬Å"So I wonââ¬â¢t ever see you again? â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, you will. You can come on holiday to Berlin if you like, when everybody is getting on with each other againâ⬠¦ I wish I could have helped you find your dad. I really want to make up for letting you down like I did. That would have done it, wouldnââ¬â¢t it? Helping find your dad. Would have been great, like a secret mission. Hey, I could dig under [the fence]! â⬠Bruno then proceeded to dig under the fence and dress in striped ââ¬Å"pyjamasâ⬠to help find Schmuelââ¬â¢s Dad. He and Schmuel are marched into a gas chamber, where they both die. I also felt sorry for Bruno when he was having lessons with his tutor, Herr Liszt, as he was being taught very difficult things about the war and how Hitler is a good person. For example: ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t understand: a nationââ¬â¢s collapse is only done to this one man? â⬠ââ¬Å"The Jew here means the entire Jewish race. If it had been just one man, Iââ¬â¢m sure something would have been done about him. â⬠ââ¬Å"There is such a thing as a nice Jew, though, isnââ¬â¢t there? â⬠ââ¬Å"I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world. ââ¬Å" Again, this shows how lucky we are to live in a country where there is no war going on. If we were taught such things in school nowadays, we would have a very different perception of the world. We are not taught biased facts about historical nor current day events, and we are lucky that we are allowed to develop our own opinions without being sentenced to death. I think a childââ¬â¢s innocence is extremely important to hold on to in most instances because it prevents them from many dangers that the world poses, however in this case is was the difference between life and death for Bruno. If his parents had told him why he was not allowed to go to the concentration camp, he would have been aware of the dangers and perhaps not have persisted on visiting Schmuel, but his curiosity and lack of reason from his parents eventually led him to his death.
Tissue Donations
There are thousands of burn victims awaiting donations of human tissue to help meet critical needs in reconstructive surgery. My current case #49 regards the selling of human tissue donations. Itââ¬â¢s a complicated situation where a few medical centers have acquired a partnership with a biotechnological company called Ardias Corporation. Ardias wants to create a tissue bank to help facilitate researchers with disease-specific tissue that will provide a link to accurate genetic sequence with diseases such as cancer. Ardias plans to supply a standard plan and, prior to surgery, patients will be asked if they would like to donate tissue samples. Surgeons will not be notified of consents and the patients will be securely protected of all information. Hospitals will sell the tissue to Ardias then in turn, Ardias will sell the patient information to biomedical researchers. The selling of human tissue is an ethical practice because it can facilitate better diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases. Human tissue plays an important role in medicine. They are used to help diagnose illness and to treat conditions. For example, a specific tissue such as bone marrow is transplanted into patients suffering from leukemia. In addition, companies such as ââ¬Å"livestrongà â⬠and the ââ¬Å"Susan G.à Komen Foundationâ⬠do support the selling of human tissue. They generally state that it makes it possible for better drug development to help cancer patients. ââ¬Å"Since we will all die someday, thinking about how we want our remains to be handled is something we should considerâ⬠(Comparini, 2003). Curing diseases is vital for anyone who has one. In the article I read it talks about the difference it has made and how you can go about the whole process of donating your tissue. This gives thousands of people the opportunity to heal or have some type of reconstructive surgery to improve their appearance and give them life again. Medicine has come along way and more people are living longer. In essence donating tissue can do the exact same thing. Another fascinating thing about donating tissue is that it contributes to the Human Genome Project (HGP). ââ¬Å"HGP is the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beingsâ⬠(An overview of the human genome project, 2010). This gives us an idea or where our ancestry immigrated from and possibly what other nationalities we could be related to. They have two sources of how they receive their human tissue. One is through a surgical procedure and the other is through postmortem patients. HGP is a ââ¬Å"transformative textbook of medicine, with insights that will give health care providers immense new powers to treat, prevent and cure disease. ââ¬Å"(An overview of the human genome project, 2010) Surprisingly you wouldnââ¬â¢t expect that human tissue would play a big role in the program. One of the most interesting things about the DNA mapping of human beings is the fact that we are all unique individuals, yet we are so much alike. Human beings turn out to be over 99. 99% the same. An overview of the human genome project, 2010). All the millions of genes that make up the genetic code of each person on earth the things that make us different are less than 1% of 1% of the genes. (An overview of the human genome project, 2010). It is interesting to see what DNA can tell us. HGP is good because of the information it provides for us an entire human species. This project has direct impact on individuals with genetic causes of mental retardation and specific diseases. With it, scientists can study genes that control the way we develop or cause disease. In essence the selling of human tissue is an innovative way to produce medicine and treatments. Itââ¬â¢s a profitable corporation where everyone is happy even the donor knowing they made an effort to help another person with a chance at life. Like I mentioned earlier there are people awaiting and praying they receive human tissues to reconstruct third degree burns that may cover up seventy to ninety percent o there entire body. This is definitely an ethical practice and should be taken more into consideration because it helps out tremendously. References
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Police Excessive Use of Force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Police Excessive Use of Force - Essay Example à Police brutality can be defined as ââ¬Å"the excessive use of physical force, assault, verbal attacks, and threats by police officers and other law enforcement officersâ⬠(Police brutality. 2007). Police using force includes pushing, grabbing, kicking, or hitting a citizen. Hitting may be striking with the hand or with an object held in police officers hand. Police dogs biting a person, spraying with pepper spray or chemical, and pointing a firearm to a citizen also will come under police using force. The threat to use any of these forces will also be counted as using force. Whether the force used by the officer is ââ¬Å"excessiveâ⬠or not is defined according to the account of the victims. For female victims, any of the above-mentioned forces, even they are in small range, will be termed as ââ¬Å"excessiveââ¬â¢. On the other hand, male victims will have another scale for measuring the amount of force used by the police. This difference will occur in the case of r ace also. Cops enforcing law can be seen throughout the history. In the earlier times police forces have created an atmosphere of fear among the members of the society, and for subjugation and control, rough treatment was a regular occurrence. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament cite many examples of Egyptian, Roman and Israeli guards, who were an equivalent of policemen, inflicting violence mercilessly on the community. Things were not different in the nineteenth century America when Police forces were introduced for the first time there.à Marilynn S. Johnson, in her book, Street Justice: A History of Police Violence in New York City, speaks about ââ¬Å"the routine bludgeoning of citizens by patrolmen armed with nightsticks or blackjacksâ⬠(Johnson 2004). With the increase of police forces and population, cases of police enforcement have increased tremendously by the end of the twentieth century. A survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in US in 2001 , Contacts between police and Public, came out with the finding that ââ¬Å"during 1999 approximately 422,000 persons age 16 or older were estimated to have had a contact in which police used or threatened to use force against them.â⬠(Contact between police and public. 2001). Even though this much police brutality is taking place in the country, most of the cases do not sustain. A report issued by another
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Intrapreneurship Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Intrapreneurship - Coursework Example By doing this, there would be the ability to provide help with those in need of assistance with the illnesses. To completely allow this project to move into completion, there was a focus on strategy, motivation and management that was based on meeting end results and assisting with those in need. By focusing on this, there was the ability to work effectively with those in the community. Profile of the Community The Willows Foundation is one which is focused on assisting those that are ill and between the ages of 16-40. The objective of the organization is to ensure that basic care as well as health care is provided to those in need while assuring that there is less stress among those that are moving through the difficulties with health. The objective is not only based on providing basic assistance but also moves into offering Special Days, which allows those who are facing chronic illness to have times to get out of the condition and away from the continuous pressures and mental dist ress which comes from having a life threatening disease. By organizing specific activities, there is the ability for the Willows Foundation to bring peace of mind to those who are facing a life ââ¬â threatening disease, while assisting with types of recovery for those who are in need (Willow Foundation, 2011). The concept of raising funds for the Willow Foundation was followed by the location which was associated with the project. The group which was focused on this comes from various regions of the world, including India, Pakistan and Nigeria. This provides a different outlook and sets of diversity on the main organization. With this approach in mind, was also the component of finding a way to raise the most funds for the project. This was done by creating a target market with a focus on a smaller market segment. The segment was based in Triton Square and had only the competition of Starbucks and Costa. The community is one which knew of the objectives of our organization and t he Willow Foundation and it was believed that the promotion would be easily supported with the needs of the organization. How the Activity Evolved The beginning of the planning process was associated with finding an aim and objective as well as an end goal of what we could do with the managerial process. Throughout the project the aim and objectives remained the same and allowed the group to remain unified with what was occurring. After we had decided that the planning needed to incorporate the focus on a humanitarian project with a fundraiser, then there was the ability to move forward in defining the specific goals and working toward achieving the end results with each individual taking the necessary steps. The decision to work with the Willow Foundation was based on research which was conducted as a group. The main ideal was to fulfill the aim of giving back to the community and to work toward highlighting an organization which was interested in assisting others. With the researc h conducted by the group, it was found that the Willow Foundation was one of the only foundations which offered the Special Days and opportunities for those with life ââ¬â threatening illnesses, all which provided and implemented a different approach to disease and the components which were a part of this. As a group, it was determined that this would work effectively with reaching the main objective of
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